Approaching a bank or a lending institution is a daunting task for many. A lot of background checks are involved and you have to wait for days and weeks to get the approval. It is also mandatory to have a reputable credit score. This can be very exhausting and time-consuming. Bank loans also have strict rules that a borrower needs to adhere to. Most of the time, the application faces rejection due to poor financial history of the borrower leaving him disappointed and helpless. Canadian Title Store is a great lending source if you want to borrow up to $60,000. We can help you get money in minutes through a quick hassle-free auto equity loan.
All you need in order to apply for the loan is your fully-paid vehicle along with registration and insurance documents under your name. The loanable amount will be calculated based on the equity value and overall working condition of the vehicle. We only keep the car title and not the vehicle itself. You can still drive it even while you make the monthly payments for the loan.
How Is Auto Equity Loan Helpful?
- Instant And Convenient: If the borrower meets the criteria and submits the required paperwork, he can get instant funds. The loan process is convenient, keeping in mind the urgency of the situation.
- No Credit Checks: As long as your vehicle is in good condition, and has a good equity value, you can easily get the loan. We won’t ask for perfect financial records.
- Competitive Interest Rates: You can compare our interest rates with other lenders in the industry and you’ll find that we provide this loan at very low interest rates.
- No Early Payment Penalty: To clear off the dues in one go, you can make an early payment and finish paying your loan before the maturity date.
- Keep Your Car: Just bring your car once for inspection and you can take it home along with the loaned money. You can still use your vehicle within the duration of the loan.
- Easy Paperwork: With a few basic documents you can get the instant cash and solve your financial problems. All you need are the following:
- Fully-paid for vehicle that’s not older than 10 years
- A lien-free vehicle title of your car
- Proof of permanent residency (a computer-generated mail)
- Vehicle registration papers under your name
- Vehicle insurance papers under your name that includes collision and comprehensive insurance
- A valid Canadian driver’s licence
- A second set of keys to your vehicle
- Proof of legal age in your location
Apply Today
Call our (toll-free number) at 1-844-512-5840 for more details and get money in minutes. You can also visit our website to apply online.
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