An unexpected demand for cash can arise at any time and you do not know where or how to get instant money. Sometimes, a bad credit score makes it difficult for you to get a loan from traditional lending institutions or banks. Aside from that, borrowing cash from your relatives or friends can cause embarrassment. In times like these, advance loans can help you.
Here are some situations when you may need immediate cash:
- Overdue bills or medical expenses
- Job loss
- Funeral expenses
- Wedding expenses
- Car or house repair
Why Choose Advance Car Title Loans?
If you are in need of cash immediately due to any of the above emergencies, getting a loan from a bank or local traditional lender is the first thing that you may think of. But if you have a very low credit score, banks may not approve your application.
In that case, you can get a loan against your vehicle title. If you use your vehicle such as a car, truck or others as collateral, you can get emergency money and get rid of all financial problems.
This loan is also known as a vehicle equity loan or pink slip loan. Canadian Title Store can help you get approved quickly for this loan with minimum requirements and low interest rates. The amount borrowed depends on the equity value of your car which is used as collateral.
Reasons for availing a car collateral loan with us:
- High approval rate
- There will be no credit checks and employment checks required
- You get flexible loan term plans of up to 4 years
- There are no penalties for an early payout
- You can receive cash on the same day of approval
- You do not have to surrender your vehicle to us, you can keep your car with you during the loan period
- You get competitive interest rates with an affordable payment option.
Procedure To Apply For Loan
Fill out the application form or call us
To get a car title loan, you can directly contact us or fill up the online application form available on our website.
Submit all required documents
We have an easy and simple documentation process that helps you get approved for a loan quickly. At Canadian Title Store, we only ask for the basic documents that are required for the loan process.
Get the cash and drive on
After all the paperwork, you can collect the money in just a few hours. You can also keep your car for the entire loan period.
Requirements Of The Advance Loans
- A vehicle such as a car or a truck that is not older than ten years.
- A valid Canadian driver’s license.
- A clear and lien-free title document.
- The vehicle must be registered and insured under your name.
- You must have proof of permanent residence.
- You must be of legal age to get a loan.
- A spare set of car keys.
With these minimum requirements, it becomes very easy to apply for advance loans. Therefore, you will not have to live with the extra burden when you need quick cash. You can call our toll-free number at 1-844 512-5840 or apply online to receive your money on the same day.
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